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New movie suicide squad

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It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super
Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?

  • PG-13
  • 130 min
  • Superhero
Release Date
David Ayer
Will Smith, Jaime Fitzsimons, Ike Barinholtz, Margot Robbie, Christopher Dyson, Bambadjan Bamba

Suicide Squad Reviews

  • Suicide Squad never tries to be anything more than the cool whip on top of the sundae. It's a kicks and giggles take on the DC universe, vastly more entertaining than Batman v Superman.
    Julian Roman — MovieWeb
  • For DC, which blew it with Batman v Superman last spring, Suicide Squad is a small step forward. But it could have been a giant leap.
    Chris Nashawaty — Entertainment Weekly
  • "Suicide Squad" is a so-so, off-peak superhero movie. It chases after the nihilistic swagger of "Deadpool" and the anarchic whimsy of "Guardians of the Galaxy" but trips over its own feet.
    A.O. Scott — New York Times
  • Compared to its ilk, Suicide Squad is an excellently quirky, proudly raised middle finger to the staid superhero-movie establishment.
    USA Today
  • In aiming for - but falling short of appealing to - the teenage demographic, the film is a double cop-out, disappointing both fans of the source material's grown-up gloom-and-doom aesthetic and discerning adolescents.
    Michael O'Sullivan — Washington Post
  • Everything about "Suicide Squad" from the title on down promises overkill. And the movie, to its ultimate discredit, delivers.

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